➤ 鑽石酒店 | 大阪

Hotel Diamond 距離 JR 和南海電鐵的新今宮站(JR and Nankai Shin-Imamiya Station)步行僅 3 分鐘,提供簡單實惠的日式住宿。旅館於大廳提供免費 WiFi。館內設有飲料自動販賣機。


Diamond Hotel 距離天王寺站(Tennoji Station)步行 13 分鐘,距離天王寺動物園(Tennoji Zoo)步行 10 分鐘,距離日本環球影城(Universal Studios Japan)為 20 分鐘的火車車程,距離大阪城(Osaka Castle)為 35 分鐘的火車車程,距離動物園前地鐵站(Dobutsuen-mae Subway Station)步行 3 分鐘。


鑽石酒店 的房间选择

鑽石酒店 的服務

網路 住宿公共區域提供WiFi免費。
停車場 無停車設施。
衛浴 共用衛浴
臥室 床單
廚房 公共廚房
客房設施 榻榻米(傳統日式地板)
活動設施 自行車租賃
服務項目 公共休息區/電視區, 自動售貨機(飲品), 行李寄存
安全 滅火器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 鑰匙進出
綜合設施 吸菸區, 電梯, 家庭房, 禁菸客房
使用的語言 英語, 日語

鑽石酒店 酒店條件

入住時間 9:00 至 23:00
退房時間 6:00 至 9:00
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
損壞押金(可退還) 入住時須支付 JPY 1000 損壞押金。 約為 EUR 6。 此筆費用將以現金支付。 您辦理退房時將獲得退費。 住宿檢查確認後會以現金全額退還押金。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
僅收現金 住宿僅接受客人使用現金支付。


共用淋浴和浴缸的使用時間為 6:00~23:00。


未滿 10 歲不佔床的兒童可免費入住新館客房。



- 辦理入住手續的時間為 9:00~23:00。務必提前通知旅館您的入住時間。若入住時間有變動或航班延遲,請與旅館聯繫。



- 從關西國際機場(KIX)(Kansai International Airport)搭乘南海電鐵(Nankai)或 JR 火車到新今宮站(Shin-Imamiya Station)約需 1 小時。東(Higashi)出口是最接近旅館的出口。

- 若是動物園前地鐵站(Dobutsuen-mae Subway Station),離旅館最近的出口則是 8 號出口。

請提前告知Hotel Diamond您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。


入住時須支付 ¥1,000 損壞押金。 此筆費用將以現金支付。 您辦理退房時將獲得退費。 住宿檢查確認後會以現金全額退還押金。

What is the average price to stay at 鑽石酒店?

The average price is 9 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.


what is the earliest and latest time we could check in and check out?

The check in time at 9 am to 11 pm. The check out time by 9 am.

Is it quiet at night?

It is not silence. Because it is in the city, there is noisy just like your town

Can I use my own sleeping bag?

Yes ,you can.

Is the air conditioning functions for heater/danbou?

Yes ,there are air conditioning all rooms on new building.

I will be arrviving at Kansai International Airport around 22.00 Hrs. Can I check-in after 22.00 Hrs?

Check in time is until 23:30 pm. However, if you arrive at the airport at 22:00 pm, you will not be able to reach the hotel by then. In that case, we propose a self-check-in.

Do you offer luggage storage?

Yes,there is a storage room for guest. You can use a storage room before check in and after check out.

At present is heater needed or no need since its cold already. Is the temperature Inside the building regulated

The temperature in the building is not regulated.

How much does it cost to rent a lock?

The key deposit is 1000 yen. But when you return the key I refund the key deposit.

Do you have planned events or activities?


Is there a shower at the room?

There is not a shower inside a room. It is shared shower room.

Are sheets and towels included?

there is not included any amenities.

Hotel Diamond 100% 真实评论


旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Diamond,您会强调什么
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Diamond,您会强调什么
My first solo travel in Osaka.
It’s close to almost everything.
The room is quite small in person. Quite big in the picture.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Diamond,您会强调什么
- cheap - good location
- smelly floor - no soap or towel is provided
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Diamond,您会强调什么
Room was clean enough, aircon was working properly. Great value for your money if you just need a place to crash
A little shabby and dirty at the hallway



- 鑽石酒店 -

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